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Old 02-21-2018, 01:17 AM   #234
Join Date: Aug 2016
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Default Re: What is the boundary of the Local Church?

Originally Posted by UntoHim View Post
Really Drake?

Local Church 101:

From:The Beliefs and Practices of the Local Churches
Each local church is autonomous in its administration. Therefore, there is no central headquarters. No particular local church should be regarded as the head church or leading church. On the contrary, all the local churches share the same standing before the Lord.

Drake is well aware that the teaching that each local church was autonomous was a bread and butter teaching of Witness Lee. (Nee as well) The problem comes in when we want to talk about the actual practice. Yes autonomy was taught by Lee, but there is scarce little evidence that the man ever desired to see it put into practice. In fact, much, if not most, of the turmoil and dissension in the LC movement has come from the blatant hypocrisy of teaching one thing (the autonomy of the local church) and practicing quite the opposite (see the history of the Local Church under Witness Lee)

Sorry Drake. I'm afraid I'm going to have to cut you off at the pass on this one. You are not going to get to extol all the virtues of the teachings without having to face the music on what was actually practiced (or lack thereof)
Lee also taught:

To teach that the local churches are absolutely autonomous is to divide the Body of Christ.
~Witness Lee, One Body and One Spirit.

This proves that your claims about the teaching and practice being different is misguided.
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