Originally Posted by Steel
I wonder what the fly on the wall would hear when you one day stand before the Lord and He asks regarding His church, what you meant when you said... "How brian-dead did the flock have to be to sit through these meetings."
Hi Steel,
My moniker is Igzy and I used to post here. Nice to meet you.
I'd like to be there when the Lord asks Witness Lee why he called people outside his movement "mooing cows." Or why he called those who were saved (saved!) by "worldly means" "Moabites."
But I'd also like to be there when God asks Paul why he called circumcision-happy Jews "dogs." And I like to be there when God asks David why he prayed that his enemy's children (children!) be "wandering beggars" and that no one take pity on them (Psalm 109).
aron's statement, by comparison, seems mild.
Please dispense with the opportunistic indignation. Thanks.