Originally Posted by aron
Yes, I know, we're all fallen. Yes, sometimes I write according to my concepts (often?). But I'm not publishing my fallen human concepts as "spiritual truths" and selling them as the Recovery Version Bible with footnotes &c.
By the Lord's mercy and grace... Nothing less.
Originally Posted by aron
Talk about 'humble yourself'! Witness Lee should have humbled himself. Yet we got these confident "this equals that" statements, even when they clearly didn't line up with each other. How brain-dead did the flock have to be to sit through these meetings?
As brain-dead as the Lord allowed, I'm thinking... As scripture tells us that He upholds all things, and that all things are unto Him.
I wonder what the fly on the wall would hear when you one day stand before the Lord and He asks regarding His church, what you meant when you said... "How brian-dead did the flock have to be to sit through these meetings."