Since Manna-man brought up the ENDTIMES discussion which is a Passionate topic of mine, I thought I'd share some interesting nuggets that have been presented in recent years.
Walid Shoebat is a former PLO Terrorist who in 1993 in attempting to convert his Christian wife to become a Muslim picked up the Bible and began to read it side by side the Qur'an. (Thankfully, he was not a brutal husband.)
He was born and raised in Bethelem. His paternal grandfather was a friend of Adolf Hitler.
As he began to read the Bible, he saw that OUR MESSIAH -JESUS- was Muslim Antichrist even though they believe Jesus is a prophet. He also saw that all the Antichrists titles in our BIBLE are linked to Muslim nations.
The Antichrist written about in the Bible is the MUSLIM MESSIAH. The Bible and the Quran are exact opposites he writes. The muslims worship the Antichrist of the BIBLE.
And our MESSIAH, JESUS destroys the Muslim messiah.
Lucifer as we know is another name for Satan. In Hebrew, his name is '
helel' which means brightness. Isaiah 14:12-13 describes his as 'son of the morning' or Day Star. The Amplified Bible expounds on his name as light-bringer and daystar of the morning.
The LORD Jesus described Satan as lightening falling from heaven in
Luke 10:18.
Now from the Qur'an:
Alla is the light of the heavens and the earth; a likeness of his light is as a niche in which is a lamp, the lamp is in a glas, and the glass is as it were a brightly shining star, lit from a blessed olive-tree, neither Eastern nor Western, whose oil is nigh luminous though fire scarce touched it. Light upon light Alla does guid whom he will to his light: Allah sets forth parables for men: and knows all things (Qur'an 24:35-36).
Walid writes:
Light of the heavens, and brightly shining star or luminous, are satanic titles. Lucifer literally means the luminous one. Satan desires to be the bright shining star.
He continues translating an Arabic script:
"Thus says the great prophet (Allah's prayers and supplications (be upon him) Mahdi is the peacock of all angels and of the dwellers of the heavenly relam, he is dressed and adorned with the cloaks of light."
Mohammed, the revered Muslim prophet had a spirit guide named Al-Buraq. The root word of Buraq is "Brq" which means "ligtning bolt" or 'glowing light".
In Luke 10:18, Jesus described Mohammed when He saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.
Revelation 8:10, a great star fell from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters;
The Qur'an calls Allah "The Lord of star of Sirius"
I'm probably going to start losing some so I want to finish up with how the Mark of the Beast or the number 666
is an indicator of allegiance and submission to the Beast, the AC who is the Muslim messiah.
The author does not believe it's going to be a tattoo or implant chip per sae.
He writes:
The Greek word charagma, used for 'mark' means "a stamp, an imprinted mark. -Strong's 5480- So a follower of the Antichrist will have a stamp on some sort of material as a badge to be placed on the forehead or arm. In John's time, the use for "charagma" was reserved for slaves in what was called a badge of servitude (Strongs 5482) So it's a badge that declares slavery and ownership by the master and followers used to demonstrate aallegiance to this master. This would fit with Islam since according to Islamic theology, Muslims are "slaves of Allah," Islam is the religion of submission.
Ya gotta remember Abraham fathered
Ishmael and
Isaac...and that's where the current problem of middle east conflict began.
I don't understand everything I'm reading but what I've gleaned makes sense. We Americans don't think much outside the American box.
And yet we Christians know Jerusalem is the Apple of God's Eye. The Hotbed of the great war to come will be in Israel. From our punie minds, it just seems Iran wants to annihilate Israel, not just divide it.
You think it's really political? NOOOO!!!
It's GOD and Satan at war !! Of course we KNOW Who WINS !
My source came from reading "
Why I left Jihad" and I am now reading "
God's war on Terror." Both by
Walid Shoebat.
Thanks for bearing with me...I'm still learning!