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Old 02-17-2018, 11:11 AM   #214
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Default Re: What is the boundary of the Local Church?

Originally Posted by Drake View Post

You have some of the facts but you are polarizing them to fit your history, perhaps to justify it. Here is what I mean.

You position the Antioch principle favorably but the Jerusalem principle negatively attributing it to Judaizers. Actually, both principles are revealed by God to show different models of the work, not about the administration of a local church. The beginning in Jerusalem was initiated by the Holy Spirit and the beginning in Antioch was also initiated by the Holy Spirit. Both Antioch and Jerusalem were centers of the work. They also were local churches. This is what makes Antioch and Jerusalem unique in that they were both local churches and centers of the work. As local churches their administration was local. Jerusalem did not control the churches in Samaria. Antioch did not control the churches raised up by the apostles sent from Antioch. However, as centers of the work, which was regional, they did manage the affairs of the work on an extra local basis.
You apparently missed the points I was making, but that's fine.

I no longer espouse the system of workers which you call "the work." The Bible only speaks of "the work of ministry." This para-church structure called "the work" apparently models scripture, but in reality ends up modeling all the denominations which LSM has long condemned. All they have done is changed the names, not the reality. They all claim to serve the church, but actually the church only exists to serve the ministry, LSM, that is.

My time in the LC was marked by a wonderful local church experience only to be nearly destroyed by outside workers who supposedly came to "help" us. This happened in all three of LC's I was a part of. Living and serving in the local churches with "the work," was always like "two steps forward, three steps back." Yet, for all the chaos, confusion, suffering, frustration, causes of stumbling by many, and divisions in my local churches caused by "the work," never did they ever take ownership or repent for their damages.
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