Thread: Whistleblower
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Old 02-16-2018, 10:49 AM   #234
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Default Re: Whistleblower

Originally Posted by UntoHim View Post
Nobody is slandering anybody on this forum. If I see it, it gets deleted immediately, and the poster reprimanded.
Please point out the post in which you were slandered.

On various threads Ohio has either said or tried to suggest that I in some way work for, or should work for, or associated with LSM... Which I said very early on that I wasn't working for LSM, and had no desire to work with LSM.

Therefore... To continually say or suggest this amonts to slander of my person as it suggests that what I have said is not true... And by "...slander..." I mean making false and damaging statements about my person.

My reason for asking Ohio the question I did was to try and find out why he was continuing to speak in this way about me... Fellowship is only possible when we are standing on the same ground with a desire to move forward together... Which is what I'm after with all here.

And please, all, don't get all twisted in trying to say that I'm taking the way of thinking law suit foolishness... My speaking was simply to try and point out that Ohio's speaking to me is not in line with the proper fellowship that scripture tells us should take place between members of the Lord's one body.

The above made clear... Perhaps the word "...slander...", given past history related to the matters being discussed on these threads, was not the most appropriate to use... But in the other online forums I participate in (none being local church, LSM, Witness Lee related... Just many that have an abundance of atheists involved) it is sometimes necessary to use strong words to get points across.

Now, that made clear... I do think Nell's speaking that I have already referred to in another comment was way out of line.
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