Originally Posted by aron
When I use "supreme mastership" as analogous to the leadership style of Witness Lee in the local church system, aka the Lord's recovery, I do so in reference to the scholarly press. It's how observers characterize his style, and Nee's system.
Sorry Drake no confusion there. Just the objective views of witnesses, what really happened on the ground in the local churches.
Why I think Lee taught an erroneous concept of the minister of the age.
Such a notion wasn't formally put out by Paul. It was 'recovered' by Nee. No small conflict of interest, there.
The notion had no basis in the NT and had to be sussed out of the OT: Moses with Miriam and Aaron, etc. Well guess what - Jesus is the new Moses. Not Paul, or Martin Luther, or John Nelson Darby or Watchman Nee. If you want to be great, be the least. If you want to be MOTA, you prove that you are the least of all in the kingdom. Jesus made all this too plain.
I assume you read the other two questions as well?
Well okay, then your erroneous concept stems from Mr. Kuo's erroneous concept.
Same result, aron. You are confused because you hold this erroneous concept.