Originally Posted by A little brother
Amen to that.
Many of us think we are following Christ, yet:
When we speak of "love" as excuse to tolerate misdeeds in the church, the spirit is wrong.
When we say the "church is perfect in the eyes of God" and do not stand up against false teachings and sinful behaviors, the spirit is wrong.
When we count all problems in the church just as "human errors" and become indifferent, the spirit is wrong.
When we say we follow Christ and start to look down on others' truthful opinions and experiences as only from the "natural man" and even "lies", the spirit is wrong.
Very often, "...not following man ...following Christ..." becomes empty words and just another form of whitewashed graves.
Very good points. I DIDNT CHOOSE TO BE DISFELLOWSHIPPED in the churches. I was simply addressing the wake in the new way the churches were experiencing and got set aside. I chose to keep addressing the misdeeds, not ignore them, and I have been blessed with life and an enlarged heart for doing so.