Originally Posted by Nell
It wasn't my experience either, until I found out what was going on. Perhaps this way of life is more accurately among the leadership and the offenders, but not among the majority of the membership. Witness Lee's ministry was, among other things, a "ministry of secrecy." That is, "cover the brothers", "don't say anything negative," and a climate of "shoot the messenger" as happened to John Ingalls and Max Rapoport. I described it as a way of life. Maybe there is a better term.
Why was the USOC rocked by the actions of one doctor? Or Penn State U by what one assistant coach did? Because of the institutionalisation of the sin. The institution fostered a climate in which this could occur. Obviously in any large group sin against one another can occur, and with power disparity (team doctor or coach vv athlete, elder vv church member, or Philip Lee vv office member) abuse like this can happen.
But the institution managers, who derive their power from it, seek to protect it, and thus the sin continues. Appearance takes precedence over reality. This is the institutionalisation of sin, and it affects every member in the organisation.