How is it possible, knowing what we know now, that testimony has been made public about Watchman Nee's immorality, that nothing changes? Then in 1978, via Max Rapoport, Philip Lee's immorality was made public, and again in 1987-88 via John Ingalls, Philip Lee's immorality was again brought to public attention. But nothing changes.Today we have first hand accounts posted on this forum by women who were abused by men in the Local Church. How is it possible that the LC rocks on in gross sin, offending the Body of Christ in the worse possible way. How is it possible that such sin continues and nothing changes?
The biggest horror to me is that Witness Lee is STILL idolized, and credited as the "Minister of the Age" and other such nonsense. What hypocrisy! Whatever growth that actually occurs in the Local Churches likely has nothing to do with "the ministry" of Witness Lee, but more to do with God's mercy on his people.
Then we have Lee’s perhaps greatest failure: his sons. He knew his sons were predators. He knew they abused the Lord's children. He knew it, but rather than deal with it, he covered their sin. Then pressured other men in the Local Church to do the same. Some of these men are leaders still in "office" today. They were rewarded with longevity in the LSM "office." How are these men not as repulsed and disgusted as John Ingalls described in,
Speaking the Truth in Love? Ray and Benson cited the "ground of locality" teaching as reason not to deal with Philip. What do you think of the "ground of locality" teaching now?
Now sexual immorality in the Local Church has become sin as a way of life and perhaps is the "best kept secret." What do you think of the "Cover the Brothers" teaching now? We know that Benson and Ray pressured 3 Texas elders to "cover" immorality of BenM. Then, a few years later BenM seduced his brother's wife, divorced his own wife, and married his brother's wife. All under cover of Lee, Benson and Ray.
Where is the "Lord's blessing" now? You can't "cover sin" and expect the Lord to bless your meeting together. This immoral behavior is a mockery to the Lord's name, and to the Lord's Body. It's also a mockery of God's holiness, God's righteousness and God's Word.
You can't have it both ways.