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Old 02-11-2018, 03:40 PM   #181
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Default Re: What is the boundary of the Local Church?

Originally Posted by Evangelical View Post
Historically speaking, all major doctrine in the church has been decided by 12 people or more. This includes the matter of Gentiles vs Jews and extends until the time of the councils of Nicaea etc.
Evangelical, what qualifications do you place on these 12?

Do they really all have to be apostles or missionaries?

Can we count children? What age qualifies them? What if some don't care for LSM? What if some can't read? What if some don't show up often?

Here is where 2 or 3 CAN be the church. They are gathered in His name! This is not a human organization as you propose, but a spiritual gathering. Perhaps no one even knows them. Who cares if they have a meeting hall and are listed in the "Directory" of LSM LC's?
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