Originally Posted by OhLordJesus
If there is an illegal activities, it must be reported to the Authorities. Otherwise, those who (believers in Christ and LCM) possessed any evidence related to these illegal activities did not protect the interest of the Stakeholders.
I think the main issue was- many involved didn’t realize that what WL asked them to do regarding Daystar- was actually illegal.
At the time it was found out, it would have been such a devastating blow to the Lord’s Recovery and people were scared. It was apparently never brought to authorities attention and WL “got away with it” so to speak. The statute of limitations has apparently ran out as well.
It’s easy for us to say they should have done this or that, but what happened- happened. No one wanted to see naive trusting people punished for following WL and no one wanted to hurt WL. I’m sure they were still under his spell and made some kind of excuse for him- who knows.