Thread: Whistleblower
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Old 02-10-2018, 11:31 PM   #195
Join Date: Dec 2017
Posts: 250
Default Re: Whistleblower

Originally Posted by OhLordJesus View Post
My mind is always very clear since day 1 I attended LC. I remain neutral until I can see official report to the Authority for illegal activities otherwise the cover up stuffs which some of you discussed here could be just a group of responsible ones handled issues incompetently.

I read some of threads and I knew who is for and who is against LC in this forum. The question is those who support LC, what are their motives of staying here?
Gotcha, I wasn’t trying to imply your mind or intentions weren’t in the right place. I’m relatively new on here and am coming from a place of seeing both sides, being in the LC most of my life.

I know John Ingalls account was recommended- that’s a good one. Also, if “evidence” is what you’re looking for, I would start with the recording of WL and Sal Benoit (just google those two names and it should come up).

There’s also a diagram of the Daystar “set up” that explains the conversation. Lmk if u can’t find from a google search and I’ll get u the links!

As far as I know, it didn’t get reported to the authorities and everyone involved (including those just following Bro. Lee’s orders) weren’t found out by law enforcement, and luckily for them- the statute of limitations has passed. Of course, that doesn’t mean they weren’t put in a really compromising and unethical position in the first place. The recording between WL and Sal Benoit might be the best thing (at least that I’ve seen) to hear WL admitting to using church funds to “Loan” to his business, which apparently is illegal given it’s a non profit corporation lending money to an overseas unincorporated “for profit” group. Someone else will have to explain the legalities of it but common sense says- don’t use church funds for your personal business, loan or not! Not to mention him asking saints to invest- it’s all there...

As far as the ones here for the local churches, I’ve wondered their motives too. It seems with all the info, the bubble would have burst by now. Everyone is different though and has their own way of dealing with things...
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