Thread: Whistleblower
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Old 02-10-2018, 06:52 PM   #192
Join Date: Dec 2017
Posts: 250
Default Re: Whistleblower

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
Kumbaya, few comments here.

This post shows you have studied LC history well.

John Ingalls' account STTIL is absolutely trustworthy in every detail.

John's reluctance to expose some of the worst details PROVES that he never harbored any ill will towards Witness Lee or LSM. It also PROVES that everything written by Lee and LSM about him and others like So, Mallon, and Fung was all lies. History shows us conclusively that there never was a conspiracy to destroy Lee or LSM. What we were told about Ingalls et. al. in meetings and in the book Fermentation... was all lies.

Why? Simple. To preserve the pristine image of WL. In order to do that, he and all his accomplices at LSM had to destroy the reputations of the whistleblowers.
I’ve spent a lot of time reading things but there’s still so much. I went from trying to prove that this was really a site just to attack and wanting to feel like it was all lies to the realization that these are people that have been hurt, like me, by the LC. Maybe not intentionally, but the mental and spiritual damage is there. I’ll be ok- but it’s important to recognize that you probably have some flawed mentalities and ways of thinking after being in such a totalist mindset, Christian or not!

I believe John Ingalls account is factual- if anything just bc I feel his spirit. And I did respect the fact that he didn’t go into the details of Philip Lee’s behavior- even though I wanted to know! You can tell he was following his conscience on that.

I just had an experience with a family member today where I realized even with the “hard evidence” of WL himself admitting that the church in Boston loaned money to his businesses and also LSM loaned money to them (basically incriminating himself), that they can’t hear it. The response was, “I’m sorry you feel that way.” It’s so incredibly frustrating. Of course, when this many people give the same account, there has to be something there! But the recording of WL is ACTUAL PROOF of illegal activity. Unless you want to claim that someone was impersonating him- I don’t see how you can overlook it!

It just made me realize the blinders that are on them.

For me, if WL had come out and apologized for the whole Daystar thing, took responsibly, and repented- that would be different. My issue with it is more the cover up, the attacks on other brothers, the lack of accountability. His response was that of a guilty person. An innocent person is an open book, ready to prove their innocence. I feel like I can rightly assume that given the decades this scandal has been covered up- if the local church leaders could prove it didn’t happen, they would! Instead, there are RECORDINGS and numerous testimonies. Which, by the way, testimonies are admissible in a court of law- yet members in the LC are told (I believe it’s from the book the “overcomers”) that anyone who says anything “negative” (with no definition on what that even means and no verses justifying this statement), is a “wrong” person. You should stay away from this “wrong” person, or you will be contaminated.

Can you believe the blatant cult mentality there? I’ll have to find the quote- I’m not exaggerating. So, what we have is a system of zero accountability, no clear picture on what it means to be negative or a wrong person- just a picture full of fear....Ultimately, no one wants to be “negative” so to call out bad behavior might make you that, make you a “wrong person,” and make other people stay away from you.

It’s apparently working-most people in my locality have started to distance themselves-even my fam.
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