Thread: Whistleblower
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Old 02-10-2018, 06:25 PM   #191
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Default Re: Whistleblower

Originally Posted by kumbaya View Post
I'm glad the others recommended "Speaking the Truth in Love," I was going to suggest that. It really helped me. Even then, you'll have to dig a little deeper because John Ingalls refrains from mentioning the specific details of the grave offenses by Philip Lee. He also (and someone please offer an explanation to why if you know!) doesn't mention that the "brother" being excommunicated that the elders were undecided about- was PL.

He mentions the "grave offenses" by PL, but he's very careful not to go into the details. Obviously, we know they were serious in nature due to the fact that excommunication was on the table....

I'm just saying this to encourage you to read ALL the accounts, testimonies, and personal experiences that so many people have to offer before making a judgement. It's been a hard thing for me to do and I'm still coming to terms with the idea that the local church isn't what I thought it was.
Kumbaya, few comments here.

This post shows you have studied LC history well.

John Ingalls' account STTIL is absolutely trustworthy in every detail.

John's reluctance to expose some of the worst details PROVES that he never harbored any ill will towards Witness Lee or LSM. It also PROVES that everything written by Lee and LSM about him and others like So, Mallon, and Fung was all lies. History shows us conclusively that there never was a conspiracy to destroy Lee or LSM. What we were told about Ingalls et. al. in meetings and in the book Fermentation... was all lies.

Why? Simple. To preserve the pristine image of WL. In order to do that, he and all his accomplices at LSM had to destroy the reputations of the whistleblowers.
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