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Old 02-10-2018, 12:20 PM   #167
Join Date: Oct 2010
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Default Re: What is the boundary of the Local Church?

Originally Posted by Evangelical View Post
I interpret you saying that the heavenly reality (as described in Revelation) should not be used as a blueprint for the church today. If the church on earth is but a shadow of its future reality why should it not try to resemble that future reality?
What I said is you should not build doctrines from types and shadows and allegories. Those should be used to help you visualize the truth.

However, this is a fair question. If the NJ were a full grown, fully matured, completion of the church then surely the church in this age should carry a resemblance.

For example, if the NJ were a full grown oak tree and a local church was a sapling we should still be able to identify the two from the leaves. The leaves of both will be identical.

The works of the church in this age should match the work of the NJ. According to the picture the leaves of the tree in the NJ are for "the healing of the nations". However, if we discuss the works of the LRC versus other Christian gatherings that would leave the focus of this thread. There are other threads on this forum that have discussed the works of the LRC and whether or not "they are for the healing of the nations".

The question I would have is if there is anything that would prohibit two or three from doing that work? Watchman Nee began with 4, Hudson Taylor had less than that.
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