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Old 02-10-2018, 07:49 AM   #235
Join Date: Dec 2017
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Default Re: First Post kumbaya

Originally Posted by OhLordJesus View Post
Is there any Lee's family still involved in the LSM business? Do they receive anything such as royalty fee from LSM?

If not, then LSM is just another non-profit organization which is run by some professionals and governed by Board of Directors who I believe you all called them Blending Brothers. So, what's wrong then?
I read there were royalties but I didn't see any proof and don't know if anyone has that... I've heard from family of those involved with LSM scandals about the illegal activity- but again- its hearsay and I don't have proof. At the very least, there's a recording of WL saying LSM and the church in Boston "loaned" money to WL's businesses-which is illegal. WL specifically mentions 100K loaned from the church in Boston, to himself and two other men for their business ventures that resulted in saints losing their investments. There's a lot of info/proof on this site about it. There's a lot of unanswered questions too...

What is obvious is that you have leaders of a church movement who also run a business. Although its "non-profit"- the leaders who run both are placing requirements on local churches to support a business financially. You're mixing a business with a church and it's a pretty tricky thing to handle on an ethical level.

It's one thing when a church owns a daycare for its members or the community. It's another thing when they own a publishing company that wants exclusive privilege of printing and supplying all materials for the local churches.

They require churches to purchase these materials and quarantine churches that don't comply. It's the perfect example of "leaven" and yet they proclaim they're the group on earth expressing the body of Christ in the best way?

You can't have the same people running a church and running a business, interchanging money between the two, and be naive enough to think there won't be problems.

There's no accountability with the leaders on any level.

I hope that answered your question
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