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Old 02-09-2018, 08:47 PM   #47
Join Date: Dec 2017
Posts: 250
Default Re: Quotes and Quips

Originally Posted by Steel View Post
Or maybe you simply stopped a day early and therefore came up a dollar short.
I would never doubt it if someone said they experienced the Lord's presence through pray reading- because it's not my place to judge their experience.

I also think, this "practice" of corporate pray-reading falls suspiciously and too close for comfort, next to thought reform techniques and group think strategies.

Even if that wasn't the intent, it comes down to a personal preference. MANY people (myself included) tried this for years with no fruitful experience.

I think we should (as bro and sis's in Christ) give each other the benefit of the doubt and not call it a "user error" by saying we may have stopped a day early and came up a dollar short. That's just not fair.

If pray reading was talked about in the Bible- fine. But, it's not. To push this practice just isn't right. It's not going to work for everyone and every personality- and that's ok.

If some people like it, fine. I personally don't- and that's fine too.

My issue is mainly on the practices being forced in a group setting. It caused more harm to me spiritually than it ever helped me!
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