Originally Posted by UntoHim
Great questions micah6v8!
I think what our last guest has posted is probably a very accurate short version answer to your first question. I think a more comprehensive answer would come if we actually knew who made up the full complement of "Blended Brothers". Obviously, Kangas and Phillips could probably be considered "first among equals. At one time Andrew Yu could have been considered as a Blended Brother of the first order, but I understand Yu has had significant health issues. (I also understand he has recovered over recent years...praise God for that)
At Lee's death, I assumed we would find out about who has the reigns of leadership by noting who were the main speakers at the bi-annual trainings in Anaheim. I think this may have held true in the late 90s into the 2000s. I believe the main speakers were Ron Kangas, Andrew Yu, Benson Phillips, Minoru Chen and maybe a number of others such as Dick Taylor. I believe all these brothers were on the Living Stream board of directors.
As far as the message outlines and the training banners and the like, I think they are just carbon copies straight from the speaking of Witness Lee. I could be mistaken about this.
I have been wondering this- thanks so much for clarifying! You would think they would name themselves on the "afaithfulword" site. They may have slipped it in somewhere in their exhaustive defense- and I missed it