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Old 02-09-2018, 06:11 PM   #930
Join Date: Jul 2014
Posts: 969
Default Re: How Much To Throw Out?

This ain't aunty's Southern Baptist Church!

As part of my recovering from the Recovery we have met with several different groups. We are currently in a Southern Baptist Church while taking care of a relative. Tonight I just came home from an event where I volunteered as guest check-in and parking. It was the Tebow Foundation's Night to Shine. It is a prom for special needs folks and our Southern Baptist Church joined a United Methodist Church to sponsor the event. Our young Southern Baptist pastor was dancing on church grounds in a church building with special needs young adults! Oh! The horror! As a kid my aunt would haul me and my cousins to the local baptist church where the pastor preached hell-fire and brimstone. Kind of like healing to my soul to help take care of these special people. I also got to talk to several brothers and make some new friends. In my men's group we are reading "All the Places to Go: How Will You Know" by John Ortberg. He gave some examples of people summing their lives up with only six words. Here's what he thought some famous bible characters might have said. I'm quoting him.

Abraham: "Left Ur. Had a baby. Still Laughing."
Jonah: "No. Storm. Overboard. Whale. Regurgitated. Yes."
Moses: "Burning bush. Stone tablets. Charlton Heston."
Adam: "Eyes opened, but can't find a home."
Noah: "Hated the rain, loved the rainbow."
Esau: "At least the stew was good."
Esther: "Eye candy. Mordecai handy. Israel dandy."
Mary: "Manger. Pain. Joy. Cross. Pain. Joy."
Zacchaeus: "Climbed sycamore tree. Short, poorer, happier."
Good Samaritan: "I came, I saw, I stopped."
Paul: "Damascus. Blind. Suffer. Write. Change World."
Here's mine: "I thought it would be easier."

Christ is still my life. I'm finding Him in more places than I expected.
Hebrews 12:2 "Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith." (KJV Version)
Look to Jesus not The Ministry.
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