Thread: Whistleblower
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Old 02-09-2018, 04:25 AM   #182
Join Date: Mar 2016
Posts: 524
Default Re: Whistleblower

Originally Posted by Drake View Post

Of course, the elders are responsible for the administration in the local church. Scripture is clear on that point.

If crimes were being committed then of course, they should have done more.

If immorality, sin, and other such awful things were happening then they were responsible to address it in their office as elders..... but if no crime then it would have been dealt with according to their judgement.
And what was Witness Lee's role?

If this was the only reason they were quarantined then I do not think they should have been. Was this the only reason John Ingalls was quarantined? What was the stated reason? Let's have a look and we can agree or disagree.

The May 15, 1990 "An Open Letter From the Churches in California" document reads (in part):

Since the fall of 1987, the churches here have suffered under the dissension and rebellion led by four brothers who were once among us: Joseph Fung, John So, Bill Mallon, and John Ingalls. In the beginning many things were done and said by these brothers in a way that was both subtle and hidden. As a result, a number of saints were deceived and thus did not know the true nature of what was taking place. Today, however, there is no question about where these brothers stand. We do not like to see any more of the saints damaged by opening themselves innocently to the words spoke by these brothers. Therefore, we feel that we must warn the churches of the true standing of these four and their followers.

These four brothers 1) have denied the standing of the churches in the Lord’s recovery; 2) have produced divisive meetings; 3) have attempted to draw saints away from the local churches to follow after themselves; and 4) have made unfounded and malicious attacks upon some leading brothers in the recovery, and especially upon Brother Lee and his ministry.

It is vague and "spiritual" mumbo-jumbo. To cover for the fact that the real issue that opened up the brothers "dissension and rebellion" was the ongoing sexual assault perpetrated by the LSM Manager Philip Lee, and Witness Lee's decade-long cover-up and refusal to deal with it.
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