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Old 02-08-2018, 06:56 PM   #928
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Default Re: How Much To Throw Out?

Originally Posted by HERn View Post
Actually fellowship is mutual, if it flows from the more absolute LSM brother to the lesser absolute brother, but not from the lower brother to the higher brother, then I don't think it is fellowship.
Brother HERn, did you live thru the so-called "New Way?"

How many times did we see and hear about those who merely "loved the ministry" get taken to task by zealot operatives from LSM "absolute for the ministry." Not absolute enough? Many were discarded by the way side.

Lest we think this merely a blip in time, a decade ago in the Midwest, LSM sent their thugs to numerous LC's training dissidents to disrupt the church meetings, create divisions in the churches, and file lawsuits to seize church assets.

They even sued the saints for the church's *name* and website addresses.

The following day LSM resumed their attacks on "degraded Christianity" from the podium and the printing press for being divisive and behaving just like they do.
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