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Old 02-08-2018, 12:32 AM   #224
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Default Re: First Post kumbaya

Originally Posted by Drake View Post

You are missing my point entirely. No one is forced to buy LSM material. Those who for whatever reason do not want to buy HWFMR for instance, often use a xerox copy. Most prefer to have an actual bound copy and many are on subscription because they CHOOSE to get new material automatically. In EVERY place I lived there were circumstances where xerox copies were made. My foray into this topic was addressing the three questions asked about being forced to pay LSM, or buy from LSM, or give stuff for free to hook people into eventually paying or buying from LSM.

Mr Drake,

Are you saying we have an option to make a Xerox copy of HWFMR? If so, I will check with my brothers and borrow from one of them and make photocopy. I will share your understanding to all the saints in my locality also. Thanks.
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