Thread: Whistleblower
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Old 02-07-2018, 06:01 AM   #165
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Default Re: Whistleblower

Originally Posted by Koinonia View Post
Drake, this is not fair. You say that my query ("Was Witness Lee wrong to oppose Philip Lee's excommunication?") was an "entrapment question." Yet, most anyone else would consider it completely simple and straightforward (and thank you for answering it).

A follow-up would be: "If Witness Lee was wrong for opposing Philip Lee's excommunication, was he also wrong for quarantining John Ingalls?" But don't feel entrapped; don't worry--this time it's rhetorical.

Wait, not fair? Let me clarify why your questions are not simple and straightforward and why they are entrapment questions.

Of course you have another question. That was the purpose of the last one! You have several more to follow. Your questions are like bird crumbs that lead to a box propped up by a stick with a string attached to the stick. Oh my, what’s that all about?

It is craft on your part. If Drake answers this way then you’ll ask that ... but if he answers that way you’ll accuse him of that..... ad nauseam. That is why you won’t answer my questions to you. Yours are leading questions like a lawyer who insists “Mr. Drake, just answer the question! I’m asking the questions here!”

But, no worries. I don’t feel entrapped because it is not that clever. It is kinda cute actually but not funny because the topics are so serious. I don’t find that kind of engagement meaningful or beneficial and since that is the mode you are operating in I put you on my ignore list. If you ever want to have a dialogue then I am always willing to converse with a brother.

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