Thread: Whistleblower
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Old 02-05-2018, 10:48 AM   #122
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Default Re: Whistleblower

Originally Posted by Steel View Post
"As for me, I do not deny that there were many mistakes, misdeeds, faults, sins, etc. that have happened in the Lords Recovery. However, all the failures and shortcomings, were a test to the vision the Lord gave me. I do not follow a man, I follow the anointing. Perhaps, by sharing my experience I may supply just one little one, former or current member, to rebound from a stumble or prevent a stumble. I don’t know, the Lord knows." — Drake

Cool... I have the same sense.
Cool? Are you serious? What Philip Lee did, what BenM did, what the Local Church men are continuing to this day is not "cool". There is nothing about this topic that is "cool". I find this attitude of yours totally disgusting and repulsive. These men made no mistakes. They abused these sisters wilfully. Where is their repentance? Where is their restitution for the horrible damage they have done to the Body of Christ, to the church, and to these women? These men did not "stumble." They knew what they were doing and that is hideous sin.

The Lord knows? I know, too. All you have to do is read the Bible.

These sisters who were abused at the hands of Local Church men were not put there for an object lesson for sexual predators in the Local Church to "rebound from a 'stumble' or prevent a stumble'". Do you think these sisters think there was anything COOL about what they experienced? Did you read their testimonies?

Your agreement with Drake is the problem. This is how the cancer in the Local Church perpetuates itself.

Do you think the Bible is "cool"? Maybe you should put more faith in the Bible than in Drake. Here's what the Bible says:

Matthew 6:23 But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!

Your and Drake's comments are full of great darkness. God have mercy on your souls.

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