Thread: Whistleblower
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Old 02-05-2018, 05:54 AM   #118
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Default Re: Whistleblower

Originally Posted by Drake View Post
Finally, you might think.. what about the failings, the mistakes, the misdeeds, the bad judgments of Brother Lee, his sons, the coworkers, the elders, etc. ....shouldn’t we broadcast and shout them from the rooftops? You’ve done that for over a decade and if you have done that under the direct guidance of the Holy Spirit then you will receive a great reward according to your works. Yet, if your many words and works are not under the direct leading of the Holy Spirit, you will not receive a reward, rather the One Who judges righteously will settle matter in that day. It is a fact, not a threat, and when brought into our understanding the BEMA of Christ will keep us from going too far.

As for me, I do not deny that there were many mistakes, misdeeds, faults, sins, etc. that have happened in the Lords Recovery. However, all the failures and shortcomings, were a test to the vision the Lord gave me. I do not follow a man, I follow the anointing. Perhaps, by sharing my experience I may supply just one little one, former or current member, to rebound from a stumble or prevent a stumble. I don’t know, the Lord knows.

"Over a decade?" ... Hmmm ... but Drake you've only been here a year ... unless of course you are the "reincarnation" of another famous LSMer on this forum.

"A test to your vision?" ... Hmmm ... but Drake why don't you allow any other believers in the body of Christ the same liberties? Why is only your "Recovery" permitted to overlook mistakes, misdeeds, faults, sins, crimes, and unrighteousness? All in the name of some "vision."
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