Thread: Whistleblower
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Old 02-03-2018, 10:15 AM   #82
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Default Re: Whistleblower

Originally Posted by Drake View Post
Do you think excommunication was sufficient?

Bible says to rebuke before all, that all may learn and be in fear. (I Tim 5.20)

In the same section, Paul instructs Timothy "not to lay hands or appoint men prematurely because the sins of some men are quite obvious, preceding them to judgment, but the sins of others surface later."

Philip's character and sins were obvious to all the brothers who knew him. By all accounts he was an unsaved reprobate. No spiritual minister would ever allow such a one as Philip to go near the people of God without posted guards. Yet WL promoted him to 2nd in command while he was in Taiwan. Unbelievable! Not just over his printing presses, but over all the workers around the globe!

WL was great at instructing everyone else how to serve in the church, but apparently never applied his teachings to himself.

Yet what disturbs so many of us the most is what WL did to these men of God, these whistleblowers, these ones like John Ingalls who spoke their conscience, acted like real shepherds, and were willing to suffer for righteousness sake. Then WL had new puppet elders appointed in Anaheim who reinstated Philip without repentance.
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