Thread: Whistleblower
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Old 02-02-2018, 12:12 PM   #53
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Default Re: Whistleblower

Originally Posted by OBW View Post
Consensual? Do you really believe that? This kind of position would not be tolerated today in the world, and you expect the church to ignore it?

Harvey would be smiling at you.


Exactly. And why would a sister talk to John and Godfred about a consentual "relationship" with Philip Lee??? Does this sound like "consent"?

From Speaking the Truth in Love...
Wednesday, Sept. 30th, I received a telephone call from a sister who had a prominent position in the Living Stream Ministry Office, asking if she could see me that night. I consented. That evening she sat in my living room and with tears opened her heart to me. She had served sacrificially and faithfully for many years in the LSM office, and now she said she could not tolerate anymore the gross misconduct that was being perpetrated upon some and especially upon her.


In the morning of December 19, just before Ken and I were to leave for Texas that afternoon, the sister from the LSM office who had spoken to me on September 30th (see page 10) called and asked to speak to Godfred and me. We met with her and were utterly amazed at what we heard. She began to relate to us in detail some of the things she suffered while in the service of the LSM office. She wanted us to realize how grave the problem was. We were revulsed to the depths of our being, and when the conversation ended and we parted, we so full of abhorrent feelings that we were literally in a daze. ...

Godfred drove me to the airport to meet Ken. We were in a state of shock and utter disgust. All this had taken place in what we called the Lord’s recovery!

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