Thread: Whistleblower
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Old 02-01-2018, 09:35 PM   #39
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Default Re: Whistleblower

Originally Posted by Evangelical View Post
There is no indication in her post that she was sexually abused for decades. She cites passive aggressiveness from a racist roommate.
But that's hardly the point, is it?

The point is the hypocrisy of Witness Lee's ministry and the fruit it has been bearing ever since his son Philip was caught in the LSM office with a sister who was another man's wife. The point is Benson and Ray listening to Witness Lee and not dealing with BenM as they KNEW they should and influencing three other elders in Texas to do the same. The point is these men LIED to the saints and didn't protect the sisters with the truth. The point is BenM later seduced his brother's wife, breaking up two marriages and marrying his brother's wife. The point is that sexual sin continues in the Local Churches TO THIS DAY.

If you want to make a meaningful contribution to this topic, why don't you print it out and carry it to Benson Phillips, Ray Graver and Ron Kangas. Tell them that sexual abuse in the Local Churches cannot continue. Tell them that this sexual abuse in the Local Churches is to the point of being "common knowledge". Tell them this is sinful hypocrisy and makes a mockery of the Lord's name. Tell them this hypocrisy exposes the ministry of Witness Lee as a sham. Tell them that women in the Body of Christ who touch the Local Churches are becoming shipwrecked in their faith because of the predators who abuse women and because of the "brothers" who condone such behavior by their inaction. Tell them you will not stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ with this on your conscience.

Tell them that if THEY DON'T do something about it, YOU WILL. Then YOU stand up in the meeting and TELL THE CHURCH. Otherwise, you're just the same old troll you've been since began posting on this forum. All your pontificating about the wonderful Local Churches and the ministry of Witness Lee are blatant hypocrisy. You're just as big a hypocrite as they are.

Blow the whistle on this criminal behavior before it becomes a police matter.

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