Thread: Whistleblower
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Old 01-31-2018, 05:41 AM   #26
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Default Re: Whistleblower

Originally Posted by UntoHim View Post
these whistle blowers were labeled as traders, "negative" "rebellious" "touching God's anointed"
When I stated that Lee brought Nee's ministry to America, and Lee's sons brought Nee's sexual improprieties to America, I failed to mention that Lee also brought his bag of tricks in covering up such improprieties. Given Nee's improprieties back in Shanghai, this was old hat to Lee. He knew exactly what to do, and what to say. He had pulled off this scam before, and saw it work.

Some might consider: “By telling the truth, the children of God will stumble, God would not be glorified, and the current Local Churches will also be suffered.” Even some might condemn those who intend to expose the true history of Nee. During the family chaos after Nee’s wedding, Witness Lee said: “By the Lord’s mercy, Sister Wang and I decided to know nothing, do nothing, and say nothing concerning this problem.”(22)
~Hsu M.D, Lily M.; Roberts M.A M.T.S, Dana. My Unforgettable Memories:Watchman Nee and Shanghai Local Church (Kindle Locations 4397-4400). Xulon Press. Kindle Edition.

In Shanghai Nee was looked up to as God's anointed.

Okay, given that Nee started the local church movement in China, this notion of "don't touch God's anointed" made some sense, even if covering up for Nee's sexual sins and adultery, by using Old Testament history, was reprehensible. However, it made no sense when applied to Philip. Philip, in no way shape or form, could be considered God's anointed

Still, Lee reached into that old grab bag, that he used and brought from Shanghai, and whipped out "don't touch God's anointed."

Lee's sons brought Nee's sexual ways to America, Lee brought his ministry, and Lee also brought the way to excuse and cover up such illicit matters. He had seen it before, done it before, having applied it to Nee, back in Shanghai.

Maybe it was old and shopworn, but it worked when applied to Nee, back in the day, and I'll be darn, it worked when applied to Philip too.

I'm sorry, but this makes Lee look like a shyster. And Nee too.
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