Thread: Whistleblower
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Old 01-30-2018, 10:48 AM   #22
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Default Re: Whistleblower Re: Max Rapoport

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post
Max then went to Brother Lee, and upon hearing the report Brother Lee bowed his head and called on the Lord and said, “What shall we do?” Max said they had to do something and suggested that Philip leave Anaheim and go back to Taipei. Brother Lee did not agree with this idea. From that point, his word to the elders was that he would take care of his son. When the question was asked how he could take care of his son when he, Brother Lee, was at home sleeping while his son was still working late with a sister, the answer was the same; he would take care of his son. Although leading brothers and Brother Lee knew about the situation, no action was taken and the sister continued working with Philip at the Living Stream office.

Philip was allowed to continue in his position as manager at LSM for ten years
when reports of his immoral behavior again came forth and the pattern of non-discipline was repeated.

Brother Lee’s Comment About Philip:
During a troubling time, Brother Lee lacked normal human responses to the church and to many individuals, as the spiritual father of us all. However, he was quite attendant to his own family, to his own reputation, and to the protection and welfare of his own son, Philip Lee. His comment to Francis Ball and John Ingalls showed the state of unreality that he was in regarding his son and the poor choice he had made in making Philip the manager of LSM.

John Ingalls: The following week Brother Lee notified me of the annual meeting of the Board of Directors of the Living Stream Ministry. I had been a board member and the secretary of the corporation since its inception in 1968, and I still occupied these positions. The meeting was to take place at his home, Friday morning, July 15th. Present at the meeting were Brother Lee, Sister Lee, Philip Lee, Francis Ball, and myself, the five board members. Brother Lee as the president called the meeting to order and announced that the main purpose of the meeting was to elect officers for the coming year.

After the board meeting was adjourned, Sister Lee and Philip Lee left the room, and Brother Lee continued to talk at length with Francis Ball and myself about the current situation. I just listened, saying very little. He said how much he and Philip Lee and their families had suffered through all the talk about them. He then stated, “Philip, of course, is not perfect; nobody is perfect!” It shocked me that he would make such an inappropriate statement as that after all that had been said and done.
WL did nothing about his sons. Reminds me of old Eli in I Samuel. Actually WL did do something, he promoted his son Philip to "Office Manager," the 2nd in command, subjecting every worker, elder, and saint to his abuse. But hey, what's a little sexual abuse between friends. Nobody is perfect, you know.

Gymnastics Doctor Larry Nassar was not perfect either, and I'm sure his family suffered too! And by the way, Jerry Sandusky's family suffered too. Nasser and Sandusky, however, will finish their days in prison.

Who cares? Obviously WL cared nothing about the victims. Every time I read this, it makes me sick. WL had so many lieutenants who protected him, did his rotten bidding, and acted as ministry "hit men" to silence each and every whistleblower.
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