Thread: Whistleblower
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Old 01-30-2018, 10:22 AM   #21
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Default Re: Whistleblower

Originally Posted by UntoHim View Post
In the immediate days after "the Max incident" of the late 70s, Witness Lee did a lot of rebuking of the LC members for not being "policemen" - in other words for not ratting on their brothers and sisters. (a practice that was no doubt established/encouraged at the beginnings of the LC movement by Watchman Nee, and continued by Lee.)
I thought the whole "policeman" talk was directed solely at Max. As the story went, it was the churches fault for not standing up to his abuses -- firing elders, sending all the young people to campus training centers, laying waste many LC's, etc.

Here WL proved himself the hypocrite. It was he alone who sent Max out to shake up the LC's. Had anyone like TC acted like a "policeman" and called WL, he would have been severely rebuked for not being "one with the ministry." Once again WL's winds and waves of "flows" came crashing down on innocent children of God, but he of course needed the perfect scapegoat -- Max! After it all died down, Lee came out smelling like a rose, and those who knew better were gone.

Most troubling to me was finally learning of Lee's underhanded methods on this forum. Instead of acting like a gentleman, acknowledging responsibility, he used the old Chinese custom of destroying your opponent by humiliating his wife before all the saints, claiming some secret "sisters rebellion" in the church. This occurred during the Memorial day Conference in Anaheim in 1977.

It was the same time that Benson Philips unloaded on a few Texas sisters as recorded in Jane Anderson's book Thread of Gold. Talk about a copycat crime!
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