Thread: Whistleblower
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Old 01-29-2018, 12:22 PM   #16
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Default Re: Whistleblower

Originally Posted by Nell View Post
The next Lord’s Day morning, October 16th, the same group of saints who spoke on October 9th came again obviously to prolong their denunciations. Godfred stood at the beginning and spoke, begging them to desist and allow us to continue our study of Ephesians. They interrupted him frequently, and he patiently answered their questions. Then we proceeded to read some verses in Ephesians and in a tense atmosphere some bravely attempted to share from the Word. Eventually the saints who were intent on speaking more problematic things begin to take over the meeting with much turmoil, upon which Godfred stood and summarily dismissed the meeting. About sixty percent of those attending, including the elders, left the meeting, leaving about thirty or forty, who remained and had their own meeting.
In the Midwest back in the late 80's, tapes of this meeting were received, so all of us heard about "chaos" in Anaheim. For me personally, I was never told why or what was the reason for the "tense atmosphere." Of course, no one I knew had received John Ingalls' account of events.

The official word from Titus Chu to all the Midwest brothers was simple and twofold -- How dare John Ingalls and the elders in Anaheim let their meetings get out of hand and protest the leadership of "our brother" Lee. Secondly, Midwest brothers were all encouraged to write "shame on you" letters to these elders, and voice their support for Brother Lee.

In a total vacuum of facts, it all made sense. It wasn't until 2005 or 2006 that I learned from Ingalls' account STTIL that Titus Chu was well aware of Philip Lee's history of abuse and molesting sisters, and his actions could only be construed as political. So much for TC's governing principle: "the mistakes of my spiritual father [WL] are none of my business."

Every worthwhile principle in life must also be governed by proper boundaries. "Mistakes" are mistakes, not the coverup of criminal activities. For example, if your father is beating your mother, and you see it, then it is your business to take some action to protect her. American society is now rife with this exact same scenario because those who should have taken action decided it was "none of their business."

In WL's case, it was far worse than merely saying it was "none of my business." Over a long period of time, WL actively protected his degenerate sons Philip and Timothy, who should have been fired from LSM and arrested, and then WL went further to slander and libel the whistle blowers, whose only "crime" was to speak their conscience and stand up for the children of God. Let's not forget that it was the elders in Anaheim who actually stopped the husband of one of Philip's victims from getting a gun and killing him.

This story reminds me of the Congressional "Shush Fund" we have learned about in recent weeks, with payouts to silence the victims of sexual abuse. Not only was the ministry of WL no better than the numerous Christian ministries he long had condemned, but his own ministry was no different than what we see today in rotten politics.
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