Thread: Whistleblower
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Old 01-29-2018, 08:12 AM   #12
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Default Re: Whistleblower

Originally Posted by Nell View Post
They argued that this affair was exclusively under the jurisdiction of the church in Anaheim, and they had no business being involved. We felt, as we mentioned earlier, that it was more than local, and that since that they were leaders in the LSM operation, they could be consulted. Some time later, however, I apologized to Benson and Ray for this, feeling that if they chose not to hear, we should not have forced the issue. -- John Ingalls

Note that when the Church in Houston "disciplined" Jane Anderson as she described in her book, Benson had no problem attending this "kangaroo court" from his "locality" which at the time was Dallas. I suppose this "affair" was not exclusively under the jurisdiction of the Church in Houston, and that "jurisdiction" changes at the whim of the elders or at the convenience of the elders. -- Nell

They went to Whistler ski resort in BC, Canada to Quarantine Titus Chu and the Midwest.

They quarantined Dong Yu Lan from their LaPalma offices.

They play this "locality game" whenever it's convenient for them.

They later said that Philip Lee could not be disciplined by the Anaheim elders because he worked at LSM, and was not able to meet with the church there.

"Woe to you hypocrites! You clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside you are full of greed and self-indulgence." -- Mt 23.25
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