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Old 01-24-2018, 11:51 AM   #38
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Default Re: Witness Lee's church puts women's virginity above anything

Originally Posted by heda lexa View Post
Why does the local church or Witness Lee's church put the worth of a woman's virginity up above any thing else about her. Like thats all they are worth . Like we are suppose to be ruled by our father then husbands our only place is in the home to raise children. Yeah I know of a sick brother who pressured his wife to get pregnant so she would stay home and cook and clean for him. She wants to work but she been programmed from being raised in the church to follow her husband and not question him.
It is damaging to the youth. I remember virginity being spoken about as a treasure as a young girl. Fortunately, I was a sometimes visitor of the LC, my parents were divorced (to which dad's newfound overzealous joining of the LC certainly was a factor) and not there as often as regular members. When I was molested as a child, the last thing I needed to hear was virginity or pureness being heralded regularly. It makes a victim feel even more shame over what happened. If virginity or pureness is to be stressed to children, darkness such as being a victim of a perverse person should also be discussed and it should be made clear, they are not dirty or bad. I never personally felt I was bad from it but see how a child could feel that. Virginity opens discussions or thoughts about sex. If that subject is presented, it should be presented with more information.

I will make it clear that nobody within the LC had molested me personally but I do know some who were by LC members. Kids are considered lower on the totem pole than women there.

On another note, the LC seriously screwed up some people who grew up within the community. Not only do their peers think they and their families are crazy throughout childhood but some grow up without a true conscience because deep down they believe they can pray and be forgiven and that is normal since all sin in the eyes of the Lord. Ones who do have a conscience struggle with life as well. The kids are over sheltered (it is encouraged they hang out with only other members) and do not learn how to make it in the real world because they are not taught.

I wish you all the best in your journey!
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