Originally Posted by Terry
I have noticed the culture is very much based on trust and agreement than it is love. When a brother can no longer be trusted or counted upon, he is through in the local church.
I would say scripture that best describes the culture is Luke 6:32.
There's an absence of grace and forgiveness.
Ones I knew from my youth who left decades ago (being children of an elder who left) experienced the shame. Even though express forgiveness realize they're not welcome.
There is not the open door to return someday to visit or meet regularly. Once someone's name has been slandered, local church public opinion is opposed to allowing so and so to return.
With grace you don't have what happened to the late John Ingalls, John So, or Bill Mallon. Grace allows love to prevail. Grace disarms negativity from coming into any assembly.
yes, Fermentation of Present Rebellion, seems void of grace just by being published!
I just wish more people could see.