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Old 01-19-2018, 12:30 PM   #588
Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 717
Default Re: Speaking of false statements

1. The LSM group that passes over the falsehoods in three books of fiction about former leaders lay claim to A falsehood by "certain dissenting ones".

2. A poster, Drake, has pointed out A false statement made by me.

3. I point out a thousand false statements made by two blending brothers and Witness Lee that seriously damaged the oneness in the churches; and the "dissenting ones" that Unfaithful refers to have made more true statements than false ones.

Drake, there are huge questions looming over your leaders and their claims to church authenticity. They have clearly deviated from the path they began on and will not answer questions put to them. They will not come outside their insular group; they hide their sins; and they lift up their demigods, while routinely putting down "dissenters', as if dissenting to sin and division and false witness is an ignoble characteristic for believers.

In the link is an expose' of the blending brothers who have become deluded to the point of not caring for right and wrong and cling to their ministers of the age, who they have made, in reality, their base of oneness - not Christ alone - which creates a distinct division in the body of Christ.

Three LSM books examined
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