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Old 01-17-2018, 09:11 PM   #28
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Default The local church, the Work and the New Testament Ministry

Boxjobox>”Off for cataract surgery tomorrow, hope to see clearer!”

Those operations are simplier now than they used to be so I’m sure you will be fine.

Think about this until you return. No rush to respond, I’ll be here the Lord willing.

You are focused on what went wrong, I am focused on the biblical pattern. Both are important. One is a question of the way, the other is a question of the execution. My observation is that you are dismissing the scriptural way because the execution in your experience was wrong. I am not dismissing or neglecting your experience but by taking the Bible as our anchor first and foremost we will at least be on the right path. Yet, by dismissing the way, the NT definition, the execution is also wrong. You may have a successful execution but if the way is wrong it is meaningless for fulfilling God’s purpose. However, if the way is right, if our path is right, if it is the path according to the NT definition then the execution can be assessed and judged and dealt with in the proper way before God and man. It’s merits will be assessed for reward or loss.

Boxjobox, I may not be clear in my writing but I am not inconsistent. I may not articulate what I want to say very well but there are no contradictions in my definitions of these matters we have been discussing. I believe what I say and say it the best I am able. Any appearance of contradiction is only because you, Ohio, Koinomia, ZNP, Igzy (now, why don’t he write?), Aron, LofT, etc. all agree on one thing (down with all things WL, LSM, Blended Brothers) but do not have the same beliefs about many other things discussed in this forum.

Last point. Though your negative experience and opinion of Brother Lee, Living Stream Ministry, etc. is not disputed by me (I was not in San Diego so I cannot provide a San Diego point of view), and is very much aligned with the majority opinion in this forum, yet everything you say about them is not my experience at all and is not the experience of tens or hundreds of thousands of brothers and sisters in the local churches under the ministry of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee. You are convinced that LSM is simply a business for profit or personal gain. First, it is a nonprofit org with clear government rules for nonprofit. Second, no one on that employee list is getting rich. Kerry is apparently making the same as a McDonalds or Walmart worker. I hope he has another job. Brother Lees apartment was modest.... Look the bottom line is this, I think you are missing something ..... what you call a business for profit I believe was in the character “these hands” in the example set in Acts 20:34.

Take care. Have a safe operation.

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