Originally Posted by OBW
When you say “intently listening,” I think that was the key. If what was being spoken was really of value, we should have been intent to listen, and even contemplate what we had just heard. But instead, we were thinking about our own words while we left one ear marginally tuned in to hear the buzz words that warranted an “amen” or “hallelujah.”
My function is not popcorn speaking. It is not active evangelism. It surely wasn’t door knocking in the mid-80s.
On that last one, I think that is among the reasons that we left. Not simply because of door knocking, but because all the energies of the LC went into that activity and there was nothing for those who weren’t gung-ho for it. My wife I needed more than door knocking and “just call on the Lord” but it was not to be found.
By listening intently, it's about giving undivided attention to the speaker and not thinking about what you're going to say. Often saying amen becomes routinely habitual without realizing what am you or I saying amen too.
Off topic a bit, back in the mid-eighties era of door knocking it was often suggested to "turn to your spirit" in order to solve problems, issues, etc.
What I sense you and your wife needed is a few brothers and sisters to give a prayer in your presence. Whether or not the prayer is answered, it's encouraging, comforting, and healing to be prayed for in such an intimate informal manner.