Originally Posted by awareness
An online FTT? LOL. What? Do they think they're an accredited university? Fanatics will fall for anything.
Not accredited. I just wanted to be a better and more absolute brother and impress the elders with my commitment. I kept it secret because you're not supposed to put yourself forward. When I did mention it in passing one elder looked at another and asked if he approved this. They shook their heads no. None asked about the courses. Since the online FTT does not require elder permission or recommendation I think it should be obvious that it's not the "real deal" like those in the face-to-face training receive. Nothing about the Lord's Recovery being the move of God on the earth (at leasst from the three courses I took). WL was not promoted as the Minister of the Age, but all of the materials were by him and published via LSM. Probably most evangelicals would be comfortable with what was presented. They made a strong point that although all scripture is inspired by God, not all scripture is God's word. Apologies to Kumbaya for skewing his thread onto a tangent!