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Old 01-14-2018, 05:21 PM   #276
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Default Re: How many people have heard of LSM/Lee/Recovery

Boxjobox >”Drake- is this a good summary of what you believe and what the LC believes and practices?”

Boxjobox, thanks your note and thanks for asking. I’ll clarify.

My views and the views of those I met with forty years do not believe that Brother Lees or Brother Nees writings are greater than those writers of the Bible.....Pauls, John, Peter,.... Brother Lee and Nees writings are not scripture. Neither is their apostleship greater than the original Apostles. Their teachings are derived from scripture not net new scripture.

What we believe is that Nee and Lee are following the New Testament teachings and New Testament pattern defined by those writers and in these days the Lord is recovering or restoring the pattern of the churches in the New Testament to build up the Body of Christ and consummate this age. The Lord raised up ministers in various times and places in the past to recover something..... what remains still in these days is the recovery of local churches as the procedure and testimony according to the Nee Testament pattern to close the age and bring the Lord back.

Therefore, we do not elevate Brother Lee above the Apostles, rather we accept that he was an apostle to the local churches raised up under his and Nees ministry for this era. We do not elevate the writings of these two servants above the scripture. They are interpreters of scripture under the leading of the Holy Spirit. We also believe this a special calling and apart from this special calling we would have reason to exist separately. We also recognize the Christian life and work is carried out according by the Holy Sprirt as the ultimate authority through men who are less than perfect yet nonetheless bear responsibility as the Lord sees fit and has arranged.

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