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Old 01-12-2018, 07:20 AM   #20
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Default Re: Claim of Watchman Nee Leadership Practice in China?

Originally Posted by JJ View Post
Wow! Check out this old article about “Needed Truth” “Open Brethren” assemblies. Maybe Watchman Nee (and thence Lee) got “the ground of the Church” doctrine and other local church practices from them, not “Exclusive Brethren”.
Needed Truth Brethren left the Open Brethren becoming extremely conservative and went back to many of the Exclusive practices.

Wikipedia: The Churches of God (Needed Truth Brethren) seceded from the Open Brethren around 1892 ("The Separation"), as a result of the ideas propagated in the Needed Truth magazine finding acceptance in some Open Brethren circles, but not all.

Wikipedia: Needed Truth is a Christian, Plymouth Brethren magazine that first appeared in 1888 in Scotland. The magazine discussed whether reception was to the Lord's Table, or if reception was to the assembly itself. This distinction had implications whether a believer from other evangelical churches could occasionally meet with the saints in a New Testament assembly. The publication of the magazine crystallised the two sides of the argument to such an extent that within five years they ceased to be in intercommunion.
(Translate: they became Closed Brethren)

The Recovery followed a similar pattern after the "Max" episode in the late '70s. As they say in politics, "never let a good crisis go to waste." WL convinced all the LC's that we were short of "The Truth," and that's why Max could cause such chaos in the LC's. (Truth was, WL sent Max out to "shakeup" the LC's, and that's why the LC's received him.) In the aftermath of that nasty "storm," Lee changed his teachings from Spirit and life for Christ and church, to one with the ministry for the building of the body. Sounds good, but subtle changes were happening behind the scenes. LSM tightened their grip.
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Last edited by Ohio; 01-12-2018 at 08:19 AM.
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