Originally Posted by Unregistered
I think there were around 100 in my graduating class. I am only aware of one other person that either graduated with me or within a year that left the faith.
Honestly I had a great time in the FTTA. I felt full of purpose and really enjoyed the environment and the people I was around. I was gung-ho and all-in. There were some hard times and personal sacrifices that I regret in hindsight. However at the time it really felt like God's plan for me and that I was "one with Him in His economy." It's really only in retrospect that I see the whole experience as whacky to understate the matter. So yes, I enjoyed the FTTA.
How do you go from being "one with Him and His economy" to seeing the experience as whacky? As an agnostic, what do you attribute your feelings of oneness to God's economy?