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Old 01-08-2018, 03:29 AM   #13
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Default Re: Claim of Watchman Nee Leadership Practice in China?

Originally Posted by JJ View Post
I've been thinking that perhaps the biggest problem of TLR from the beginning was not understanding that Jesus is the king in the kingdom of God, not the super-apostle. And, that Jesus' leadership style is to take the form of a slave, and serve others. So, having "The apostle" working like a human king, who lords it over his subjects, is exactly the opposite of how Jesus told his disciples to lead.

We should have gotten the clue from the way Jesus rode into Jerusalem. Meek and mild, and seated on a donkey's colt. But, no. We still have the image of a king dressed in elegant clothing, riding in on a stallion, with an army around him.
That sure was on full display when we compare the funeral "celebration" of Jesus with that of Lee twenty years ago. Lee was treated like some head of state. Thank the Lord I never went to his funeral, and subjected to his eulogy. Just the other day I found the book of his funeral celebration on my shelf, and trashed it.
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