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Old 01-05-2018, 04:17 AM   #190
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Default Re: First Post kumbaya

Originally Posted by kumbaya View Post
Wow. Thanks for that info- I was a little confused about why people talked about that website but couldn't find an active link for it...
I can't say I'm surprised about the lawsuits against web sites. I wonder, can you search for a list of their past/present lawsuits?
I'm just curious to how extreme it is (or isn't)....
I once found a chart of their numerous legal proceedings. It numbered 2 or 3 dozen. Some were merely legal threats to publishers to retract anything damaging against them. The Heritage House lawsuit was taken to the Supreme Court just a few years back. We had some discussion about it.

The chart did NOT include all the lawsuits in the GLA after the quarantines. Things got really ugly. Operatives from LSM / DCP would hold "training sessions" to help the local "insurgents." Toronto Canada was seen as a huge prize for them, and 2 of their 9 elders were used by LSM. One of their elders and ministers, a former professor named Nigel Tomes, has written extensively on a whole host of topics dismantling LSM teachings. Most of his articles are referenced here.

During the Quarantine, numerous brothers in the GLA wrote. Some posted here. The website is concernedbrothers dot com or dot org. Eventually, Nigel's writings became even too "hot" for those closest to Titus Chu, and they have parted ways. Same with John Myer, who wrote "Future and Hope."
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