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Old 01-04-2018, 08:12 AM   #4
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Default Re: Quotes and Quips

Originally Posted by JJ View Post
Right. When I read the end of 1 Corinthians 2 in which Paul talks about what it is to be spiritual, he says the spirit of man knows the things of man, but The Spirit knows all things, and that we have the mind of Christ. I don’t see a place for Lee’s type of thinking in it.
There are reasons why Lee's minions elevated him above all. Part of it was teaching the impossible, e.g. "Living the god-man life for the building of the one body of Christ without opinion consummating in the New Jerusalem by being absolutely one with God's New Testament Economy." gasp!

Another part was his constant condemnation of all things Christian. In others words, Lee was supposedly living in the stratosphere and everyone else was a dismal failure. Then I learned about all the corruption at LSM, and the Wizard behind the curtain got exposed by a dog.

The lesson to learn is that all of us are accountable, and righteousness is the foundation of His kingdom.
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