Originally Posted by aron
I have to comment on your "People who never had the LC church life" statement that I underlined. to I don't want to disagree so much as to perhaps modify it. I believe that while every one's experience is unique, it is our responsibility as christians to bridge the gap, to find the common experience of us all. ........I LOVE your enthusiasm! Every now and then during my day your capital letters swell within me in praises and thanks and glory and honor to God. Amen, Lord Jesus!
My enthusiasm stems from listening to 'Positive Speaking' the WORD of God teaching CDs, listening & singing to Praise/Worship music, Reading & Meditating on scriptures, fellowshipping with the LORD & with the saints.
(Sometimes I even go to bed listening to Praise/Worship music or teaching cds.)
Jesus is TRULY the KING of my life. I want Him to be the KING of every person's life for IN HIM is the FULLNESS of GOD. In HIM is the JOY of the LORD & HIS JOY is our Strength!
There truly is something 'supernatural' when we speak the WORD of GOD into the atmosphere with a heart of gratitude and thanksgiving as we give Praise, Honor & GLORY to our KING!
The Anointing of the Holy Spirit keeps falling strongly on me..and thus my cup runneth over. It spills over to my brothers & sisters in Christ. It even spills over unto the unbelievers...so even the unbelievers are being splashed with some of the GLORY of God.
Ok...I went on a rabbit trail here.... let me try to remember what I really wanted to share with you.....
oh yes...
People who never had the church life we had did not miss out on God's anointing. There is a reason some of us were in the 'church life of the LC' & others were not. I feel God led me to the LC to get rooted & grounded in the Word of God, to receive the vision of the building of the Body of Christ, to LIVE the book of Acts, (at least in part & for a season.)
I then wallowed in the valley of the shadow of death for some 25 yrs. Ohhh, when I think about Jonah.....that was me. When I think about JOB, that was me (including the awesome end to his story.) There's a lot of Joseph in me too.
I'm sure my testimony is not exclusive. All of us have walked through the valley of the shadow of death.. some longer than others. Mine was lonnnnnng. I was more stubborn & rebellious than Jonah. But because I wandered in the wildnerness for as long as I did, I can relate to some of those characters sooo very well.
Truly GOD has turned my mourning into DANCING for me!
From my natural man perspective, there is a -special- connection, a thread of gold connecting SOME of us who were in the LC. BUT I certainly don't want to go back or live in the past! Some people who were in the LC suffered greatly. Marriages & families broke up. :-(
May God heal the broken hearted & restore the Joy of the LORD in their lives.
I'm taking the GOOD I received while in the LC. I am taking the GOOD I have received from the Word-Faith, Positive Confession Word, applying it to myself, seeing & reaping the fruit
and splashing it with everyone I know, as I allow Christ to splash on me through His Word and
His church!
That is why I have soo much enthusiasm. My enthusiasm is not only real but it is growing day by day. Sometimes I feel like I'm going to experience a heavenly explosion in my spirit, soul and body!