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Old 12-28-2017, 12:48 PM   #176
Join Date: Dec 2017
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Default Re: First Post kumbaya

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
Nee and Lee both used Moses as their basis for "Spiritual Authority," alleging that Moses could be a type of N.T. Ministers. That reasoning is seriously flawed. The Bible tells us that Moses is uniquely a type of Christ.

See Deuteronomy 18.15-18 Moses prophecy concerning Christ.

Hebrews Chapter 3. Moses and his ministry was a strong type of Christ and His ministry.

There is no indication in scripture that Moses was ever a type of the apostles or ministers in the N.T.
Ok, that makes sense. Thank you...I still wonder how other churches allow for accountability though and why the local churches don't ask for this given that this model doesn't work and encourages abuse. I know there are verses that talk about accountability with believers. I've read them and believe that as brothers and sisters, the Bible says we are to be accountable to each other. I need to look some up but all the verses about companionship and how to approach each other about offenses are all covering the subject of accountability, right?

I guess what I'm asking is, where does that accountability end as far as being an elder? Obviously, I don't believe it should but surely they can't just say that an elder isn't held accountable because he's a type of Moses and a N.T. minister. I'm not trying to put you on the spot and I know it's not an easy question (I could read the ministry to find out- ha!) but I want to make sure that's what you're saying they believe. I've read a lot of your posts and you seem very knowledgable about the ministry so I thought you'd know!

Even if they were right, how do they support that there's no accountability between the NT minister type of Moses, AKA elder, AKA a physical man capable of sin, and the saints?

I'm sorry, I'm asking hard questions. I'm thinking the answer is - they can't. I'm just curious at how they may try to defend it- I don't see how they can.
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