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Old 12-28-2017, 11:39 AM   #174
Join Date: Dec 2017
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Default Re: First Post kumbaya

Originally Posted by aron View Post
The people who run the ministry also run the book publishing company which distributes the ministry materials. The ministry mandates that the local churches only use ministry materials, which are conveniently supplied by the publishing house. A bit of a conflict of interest, yes.

Second, vis-à-vis the "messy kitchen" quote. I heard that phrase also. "Forgive us our messy kitchen, but we're cooking food for people to eat." Yet these same people delight in pointing out everyone else's messy kitchen, calling it "satanic" and "devilish" and so forth. Why the double standard? Subjective, much?

And when they point out errors, it is a "correction", right? Like "Affirmation and Critique" magazine. But if you point out their errors, it is no longer "critique" but an "attack" or a "slander" or "rebellion". Again, hypersubjectivity rules the day.

I looked up "Witness Lee messy kitchen" and found the following essay, by a brother who made it through the LSM/lc system and is now doing Christian ministry apart from their control. He makes some interesting comments.

It takes reading it like that to see it, it is hypocrisy. Thanks for posting the link, will read....

I know I've seen and think I've read at least part of the book, "Spiritual Authority" by WL. It would have been so long ago but it comes to mind now. We had to mind-numbingly read outloud, in a circle, many ministry books in the YP meeting's and truth schools back then and they all sort of blur together for me. I admit, I wasn't always paying attention!

It's not a top priority of mine but I would be curious to see how (if at all ) they defend these practices in that book. Has anyone read it and does it (try to) justify the practices that are hypocritical to being held accountable?

I've read their defense of the one publishing arm AKA "one trumpet" and defense of quarantining on their "afaithfulword" site.

The STRETCH that they use in those verses (which there are maybe 3, possibly 4!) of how they justify their practices compared to ministry quotes was unbelievable. The ministry should NOT be used to determine local church practices, right? I would think even the saints would agree to that. But, they are getting away with it. Crazy!!
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