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Old 12-28-2017, 11:21 AM   #530
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Default Re: The Vision of the Age, the Ministry of the Age, and the Minister of the

Originally Posted by Drake View Post
I do distinguish these... but apparently you don't. Here is what I mean.

You (collectively) . In the process of condemning everything related to Witness Lee, a man hated by most on this forum in person and deed, you also make no defense of the NT vision.... not so much as to even articulate what it is or confirm what about it you agree with when it is defined as I have done with my viewpoint. Brother Ohio, you do not speak for everyone in this forum when you say no one disparages the NT vision. Most will not even acknowledge it exists because of some apparent psychology that suggests to agree with the NT vision is to agree with Witness Lee... and what a tragedy that would be!
Brother Drake, we have ex-LC-members on this forum who no longer esteem scripture as the word of God, so you can't classify everyone together. That's a bogus assertion you make about those on the forum not defending the N.T. vision. You claim "the vision" is unique to Lee, and that we "disparage both vision and channel making no distinction." I disagree with this on at least two counts.

Firstly, Lee's unique teachings do not constitute a "vision." At most he should be considered a minister or a teacher, regardless of the many claims he made for himself. His teachings go way outside the bounds of the scripture and Christian orthodoxy, despite your many protests. LC teachings are filled with "extras," which our Lord calls "leaven," and some of these teachings are heretical to the greater body of Christ.

What I learned from W. Lee that is Biblical, sound, and orthodox I will always appreciate. Because of all the leaven, however, I have been forced to examine everything against scripture, as Paul says "prove all things, hold on to the good." I was wonderfully saved thru a dear brother I worked with, who later wanted to return to the RCC. I have always lovingly appreciated him, but I refuse to be obligated to also return to the RCC. Likewise with W. Lee. I love him, appreciate all the good, but I do not "owe him my very existence," as Titus Chu once wrote to John Ingalls. I can say the same about TC -- I love him, appreciate all the good, but I do not owe him my very existence.

, W. Lee elevated himself to the apostolic status which Paul once had. But Paul lived a life far beyond any reproach. He exercised his conscience to be right with God and man. Half of the N.T. confirms that this "channel of the vision" was established a pattern by God to all God's children for two millennia. Lee may have claimed the same for himself, but the facts of history prove otherwise. This forum is filled with the sins, failures, and unrighteousness of Lee and his sons, which he never once repented of. That is simply inexcusable. So many children of God have been hurt by LSM.

Due to his own behavior and teachings, we must now compare his ministry and work to that recorded in the Bible. We have to apply the many tests of scripture to the ministry of WL, just as the early churches had to apply these tests to the many ministers they had. 2 Corinthians, for example, enumerates many standards for these ministers. I have posted a few notable verses myself, such as LSM's practice of "peddling the word of God." The Lord commended Ephesus (Rev 2.2) for trying those who called themselves apostles and are not.
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